Six Low Carbon Sub-projects approved

locare project

LoCaRe - The Low Carbon Economy Regions - is a mini-programme under the European Commission’s INTERREG IV C programme and has a total budget of € 4.2 m. Half of the total budget is allocated to Sub-projects.

After its Call for proposals LoCaRe has received 14 proposals for Sub-projects from a wide range of applicants from local authorities, universities, development agencies and chambers of commerce from the six partner regions of LoCaRe: Region of Southern Denmark, Principality of Asturias (ES), Region Emilia-Romagna (IT), Gorenjska (SI), Västra Götaland (SE) and the Province of Zeeland (NL).

The following six Sub-projects have been approved under conditions for a total amount of around € 2 m:

·         BIOMAP – Biomass Market Place. Partners are Agroväst Livsmedel AB (SE), the Association of Municipalities in Skaraborg (SE), N.V. Economische Impuls Zeeland (NL) and Centre for Economic Innovation and Development / Agency of the Forli Cesena Chamber of Commerce (IT)
·         CARBON CARE – Improvement of Carbon Sequestration Practices in the Agricultural and Forestry Sector towards Low-Carbon Regional Energy Patterns. Partners are LT Terra&Acqua Tech/ University of Ferrara (IT), CETEMAS Centro Technológico Forestal de la Madera (ES) and Centre for Sustainable Rural Development Kranj (SI).
·         ESA - European Sustainability Ambassadors. Partners are the Municipality of Sønderborg (DK), Energy Agency of Modena (IT), Technical School Centre Kranj (SI), Asturian Foundation of Energy (ES)
·         Local Commitment for Low Carbon Planning and Empowerment in Small Communities. Partners are the Municipality of Vejle (DK), Zeeland NGO for Environment and Nature (NL), the Municipality of Ulricehamn (SE), Development Agency Sora (SI) and Comunitá Montana Valmarecchia - Province of Rimini (IT).
·         VACO2R – Volontary Agreements for CO2 Reductions: Oviedo Chamber of Commerce (ES), Asturian Foundation of Energy (ES), Province of Bologna (IT), Municipality of Odense (DK), Environmental Forum Fyn (DK), SP Energy Technology Research Institute (SE) and Municipality of ulricehamn (SE).
·         ZEROTRADE – A Public Private Governance Model for a Zero Carbon Trade Sector. Partners are Municipality of Cesena (IT), Municipality of Odense (DK), Association of Municipality Services of Valle de Nalón (ES) and University of Maribor, Faculty of Organisational Sciences (SI).

The Sub-projects will focus on the exchange of experiences and collaborating activities between local and regional actors across Europe in the following fields: Renewable energy in local energy systems, carbon capture and carbon storage, low carbon territorial planning and empowerment of citizens.

More information on the approved projects will be available on this website mid December 2010.

The process for selection of projects for approval:
The applications have been subject to an evaluation carried out by assessors from the LoCaRe Partner regions. The assessors have evaluated the applications on their performance of effects and management according to the “Guide for Assessors” that can be found on our website.  Finally the Steering Committee approved six of the applications with due regards to a geographical coverage as well as a thematic coverage of the LoCaRe project’s Sub-themes.

The Interregional Cooperation Programme INTERREG IVC, financed by the European Union’s Regional Development Fund, helps Regions of Europe work together to share experience and good practice in the areas of innovation, the knowledge economy, the environment and risk prevention. EUR 302 million is available for project funding but, more than that, a wealth of knowledge and potential solutions are also on hand for regional policy-makers.
For further information contact Project Manager Helle Knudsen: