Benchmarking Report on Mediterranean Governance promoted by territorial projects and networks


The benchmarking analysis is the second step of the analysis on the Euro-med governance framework, started with the activity 3.1. The latter aimed at better understand to what extent policies, programmes or projects promoted at top down level (by international organisations, European Union or national authorities) influence multi-level governance systems in the Mediterranean.
The benchmarking analysis, instead, has assumed a bottom-up territorial perspective having focused on collective actions based on partnership and coalitions (territorial governance)1 between local authorities and social and economic stakeholders. In view of responding to the aims of the Medgovernance project, the analysis has acquired a Mediterranean perspective concentrating on territorial collective actions established at trans-national level (trans-territorial governance). In trans-territorial governance actors from different territories and countries decide to build up a network/organisation and/ or to implement projects in order to tackle common problems, sharing objectives, and seeking jointly for resources and opportunities; to promote common visions on the Mediterranean development; to set up, interconnect and enhance territorial capital.
The projects/ networks for the benchmarking analysis were selected on two phases. In the first phase, each of the research institute partners of Medgovernance operated a first selection of projects/ networks matching the criteria of good practice set up in the "Benchmarking methodology" elaborated by CeSPI2. The research institutes, in accordance with CeSPI, individuated 5 projects for each thematic areas, 25 in total. Among them, the projects and networks that best fitted with the good practice criteria were retained and analysed according to the benchmarking methodology. The rest was stored in a database3.
The benchmarking concentrated the analysis on 10 case studies (4 networks and 6 projects), implemented in the 5 thematic areas of the Medgovernance project (Culture; Environment; Innovation; Migration; Transports) (see table 1).

You can download the relevant File CeSPIbenchmarkingreport_draft_january2011 (1).doc