Creating Low Carbon Economies
12 April 2011
Strategy for Energy Efficiency through Climate Agreements (or SEECA) is a new strategic approach which aims to motivate key stakeholders at a local and regional level to take positive action to foster a low carbon economy. The overall aim of the SEECA project is to build a sustainable, regional framework through the development of regional specific climate and energy strategies. The implementation of these strategies will be assisted by Climate Agreements which will be signed between public sector bodies and other key stakeholders. The SEECA project will develop clear climate reduction manuals and guidelines for public authorities, businesses and NGO´s that can easily be transferred to other regions in Europe
The SEECA project consists of three different parts:
1. Identification and development of existing Climate and Energy strategies
2. Design and development of Climate Agreements
3. Eco-driving and good planning when using heavy machines.
This information day consists of three events which provide more information on each of the three project components.
Agenda - Creating Low Carbon Economies - 12 April 2011