Atlantic: Seminar on the thematic poles of Natural risks and Maritime safety

The Mediterranean Lab group (INTERACT Point Valencia) will hold a thematic workshop on natural risks and maritime safety on 19 April in Genoa (Bentley Hotel, Via Corsica 4, 16128 Genoa).

During the first part of the meeting is going to be illustrated the activities and analysis carried out to help build capitalisation in European Territorial Cooperation projects addressing natural risks.

The afternoon session will be dedicated to the integrated maritime policy and how maritime safety is addressed by different administrative levels, by ETC programmes/ projects and how to better address this issue and strengthen synergies in the next programming period 2014-2020. 

Arcopol will participate on a roundtable to share good practices on the Atlantique area. Arcopol is a project co-financed by the Atlantic Area Programme.

Please find here the latest version of the agenda.

You can register until 12 April by clicking on the following link:
