EHEC: Cross-border infections show benefit of the cooperation

The Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf reported today that a Dutchman who was in North Germany for a visit, was taken with the intestinal bacterium EHEC to the hospital. The EHEC infections in Germany are a current problem. In every news program reported the number of new infections and the possible causes. So far, the causes are not yet clearly identified, the bacteria may originate from Spanish cucumbers. To limit the spread of EHEC has also indicated a good hand hygiene.

Added value of cross-border cooperation

The above message indicates that infectious diseases do not stop at the border. This situation is a recent example of the many challenges which shows the added value of cross-border cooperation clear. In the EU-association problems can sometimes be solved more quickly and more efficiently than at the national level, for example, by bringing together national expertise.

EurSafety Health-net

The issue of hygiene is a focus of the INTERREG project EurSafety Health-net. Only through good hygiene, infections are avoided. The aim of the project majeure patient safety in the Dutch-German border region is strengthened. Health facilities along the German-Dutch border are involved in various sub-projects at the concrete improvement of hygiene. A sub-project in EurSafety Health-net is "Stop grubby Fritze. This project aims to improve the hands-hygiene students to be avoided by infections. The subproject offers German and Dutch schools to make their students aware of the importance of hand hygiene.

The project EurSafety Health-Net is supported with a total of 8.10755 million € from the INTERREG program, half of which come from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The other contributions are of national and regional co-financiers.

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