Prime Minister of Slovenia at PROSESC mid-term conference

Mr Borut PahorPROSESC (Producer Services for European Sustainability and Competitiveness) project successfully organised its mid-term conference on the 10th of May. The highlight of the event was the keynote speech by Mr Borut Pahor, Prime Minister of Slovenia.

Mr Pahor pointed at the new paradigm of sustainable development and the essentiality of a fast adaptation to the new thinking in using resources. He stressed the need for the European automotive industry to respond to future environmental challenges and to maintain its leading technological position in the world. Electrification of road transport, according to Pahor, is one of the key solutions for the implementation of a competitive low-carbon society by 2050.

The programme of the conference was enriched by inputs from high-level national stakeholders and policy-makers, such as Mr Milos Sturm (President of ERTRAC Slovenia), Mr Bojan Zlender (Slovenian Ministry of Transportation) and Mr Jernej Stritih (Director of Slovenian Government of Office of Climate Change), among others. The talk given by Dr Wolfgang Staiger (President of ERTRAC) provided a broader view on the European context of sustainable mobility.

The event, attended by over 75 participants, included a presentation of PROSESC project’s progress so far and detailed insights into the automotive cluster of Slovenia, as well as into activities and strategies for electric mobility from different perspectives, e.g. e-bikes in Stuttgart Region, e-infrastructure in East of England and the activities of the HyRaMP partnership, which supports the development of hydrogen, fuel-cell and battery electrical mobility in Europe.

The detailed agenda of and the presentations from the conference is available in the downloads section of PROSESC website:

For further information, please contact Dr Reha Tözün at +49 711 228 35 43
