Study visit of IBI Net project partners will be held

On June 7 - 9 in Hedmark (Norway) study visit of ‘Intercountry Business Incubator Network' (IBI Net) project, which is co-financed by the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 will be held.

During this visit Riga Technical University (Latvia) is going to present progress of IBI Net portal establishment, Teknikdalen Foundation (Sweden) is going to inform about results of research about business incubators in Baltic Sea region and services they offer, Technologiezentrum Western Pomerania (Germany) is going to inform about progress of formation of IBI Net association and its statutes, for its part Riga Planning Region (Latvia) is going to introduce partners with progress of project and next steps, as well as other essential questions about Project will be discussed.

During visit Hedmark Innovation Centre will present its role in establishment of innovation system in reģiona and Norway, also it will be possible to learn more about municipality of Hedmark, Hedmark University College, SIVA (National body of Incubators) and Biokapital (commercializing research).

This will be partners' closure meeting of IBI Net projects 3rd milestone.
