Watertruck calls for companies to test a new navigational concept


Watertruck schemeThe NWE project Watertruck aims at the further development and optimization of cargo transport using small inland waterways by introducing a new navigational concept, consisting of a pusher and barges.

The project seeks parties or companies such as shippers, transport companies, logistic and other service providers that are willing and able to organize, together with Watertruck partners, industrial Watertruck-pilots that clearly show and demonstrate the added value of the concept to a wide public in a ‘close to real-live’ working environment.

The pilot will take place in the North West Europe area (at least 1 in France, 1 in The Netherlands and 1 in Belgium). Watertruck is also looking for an transnational pilot (from one country to the other).
Candidatures can be submitted until 30 June 2012 via info@watertruck.eu. The pilot is
to be executed and finished in 2012.
Project's website: www.watertruck.eu
Click here to access the full test of the call
Lead partner's contact:
VIM (Flanders Institute for Mobility)
Marleen Bellen
Phone: +32 11 24 60 00
e-mail: info@watertruck.eu / marleenbellen@vim.be

source: http://www.nweurope.eu