Irregularities in ETC programmes


16.02.2012 | Brussels, Belgium
The event will focus on the irregularities in European Territorial Cooperation programmes relating to the closure of Interreg III programmes, but also the ones found in the ongoing audits. Sources of assurance from the EC as well as procedures to be used in case of lack of assurance will also be discussed. The event will be organised with the participation of the European Commission representatives.

During the event the following topics will be discussed: closure exercise of Interreg III, most common irregularities identified and consequential lessons for 2007-2013 closure.

European Commission representatives will present the sources of assurance such as the on-going ETC audits of operations, examination of national system audit reports and annual control reports. They will also depict procedures to use in case there is a lack of assurance, ie. interruption of payments, suspension of payments and financial corrections.

