Why a political expert forum?During the political expert forum in we hope to receive input from politicians and decision makers that will enable us to further our goal of sustainable flood risk management strategies for cross border river basins. Conclusions and recommendations to national governments and the European Commission will be presented and discussed.
How to implement the EU Flood Directive across borders?During the launch event of the FLOOD-WISE project in Brussels in April 2010 the EU Flood Directive stood at the centre of the attention in countries both inside and outside the EU. Key-note speakers of the European Commission and the United Nations spoke about the necessity of cross-border cooperation and a sustainable catchment approach to flood risk management. From the project kick off till now a lot of work has been done. Partners in six international river basins across Europe made inventory studies to analyse flood risk assessment and flood risk mapping methods. Transfer activities between the river basins Meuse, Rur, Elbe, Western Bug, Sotla and Szamos inspired and enriched the knowledge of partners. We would like to share our results and experiences with others.
For more information: www.floodwise.eu
Ετικέτες Technorati: flood risk management,launch event,wise project,risk mapping,cross border cooperation,border river,FLOOD-WISE