Results of the Survey Among ETC Communication Officers

As a follow-up to the last INFORM meeting in Madeira (Portugal) last November, INTERACT conducted a survey among ETC communication officers to prepare the communications regulations for the programming period 2014–2020. Its results were transmitted to the European Commission.

During the INFORM meeting, INTERACT already moderated a workshop on the same topic and gathered a first collection of answers. Most participants underlined that the overall tone of the existing Regulations 1828/2006 art. 1–10 and 1083/2006 art. 69 are to remain as is. Some amendments are needed, for example with respect to the annual information activity. It has led to confusion among Managing Authorities in the current programming period, also due to some translation errors. Another proposal was to change the name of the obligatory seven-year communication plan to “communication strategy” which should then consist of more practical annual communication plans.

More information on the discussions can be found in the PowerPoint presentation and summary document below.

For any additional questions, please contact Ulf Wikström (firstname.surname(at)

Presentation | Future com regulations | 11.2010 Survey | Future com regulations | 01.2011