The Project Innovate was present in the European Funding Meeting in Utiel (Valencia)

The Project Innovate was present in the European Funding Meeting in Utiel, celebrated the last 17thMay. The act, organized by the City Council of Utiel, together with Fundación Comunidad Valenciana – Región Europea (FCVRE) and the Valencian company of Industrial Security and Promotion (SEPIVA) was made in order to bring the necessary available tools closer to carry out the initiatives adding value to the region of Requena-Utiel through European programmes.

During the meeting, the resources that the Generalitat Valenciana offers to the citizens and the companies in order to help them to compete at European level were analyzed. In this sense, Rafael Escamilla Domínguez, Head of the Area of EU Programmes and Competitiveness of IMPIVA, offered a conference about the commitment of Europe and the Valencian Region with the SEIMED companies, a network based on helping the company to develop its full potential and its innovative capacity through internationalization, transfer of technology and access to projects and funding of the EU.

The approximately 50 guests who were able to attend this day, also had the opportunity to know the most interesting programs and the way to be able to take part in them, as well as some practical examples, as it is the case of the Business Park Nuevo Tollo, European project presented by SEPIVA.  In this sense, it is worth to highlight the participation of Fundación Comunidad Valenciana - Región Europea in the presentation of other programs and examples on good practices of projects carried out in the Valencian Region.

The meeting, chaired by José Luís Ramírez Ortiz, Mayor of Utiel, Inmaculada García Pardo, Director General of SEPIVA, and Rafael Ripoll Navarro, Regional Deputy Minister for European Affairs was closed with a round table in which some consults, as well as some proposals for the search of new partners were exchanged.

For further information about the Innovate project visit:
