The Joint Technical Secretariat has been revived with three new team members - Anete Govore is a new Programme Assistant, Marina Gnedova is a new Project Manager and Lina Žukauskaitė is a new Information Manager.
Anete Govore is a person who ensures smooth work of the office, deals with day-to-day operations.
Marina Gnedova has worked in the Managing Authority of the Latvia–Lithuania Programme for more than 2 years. She was responsible for preparation of various procedures and documents, ensured financial management and administration of the Programme technical assistance resources, took part in the projects assessment and selection process as well as in monitoring of the projects implementation.
Lina Žukauskaitė has come to the office from the cultural field, she has worked in a dance theatre as an Information Manager and also has participated in various EU partnership projects.
Previous Information Manager Irma Astrauskaitė is now working for the INTERREG IV C Programme in Lille, France. Anete Govore has replaced Ilze Gerina who now is working for the Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme as an Riga Info Point Manager and Project Coordinator.