Multilevel governance in a Changing World: bringing the regions closer to citizens, is the theme chosen by Iemed for the Medgovernance global and social forum, held in Barcelona on July 7 and 8 2011 as Final Event of the project.
Analyzing the role of the regions in multilevel governance in the Mediterranean was the main subject of the Seminar. In particular, the process of modernization of the administrative structure and public powers, the administrative and political decentralization to better develop the potentialities of the territories were debated in the course of the international conference hosted by the European Institute of the Mediterranean.
Regional authorities, experts, academics, practitioners and policy makers of the two shores of the Mediterranean Sea joined the Medgovernance partners during the event. Representatives of Tuscany, Piedmont, Lazio, Andalucia, PACA, Catalunya and CPMR Intermed Commission, as well as Intitute of Mediterranean, Tres Culturas, Maem Mema, Plural, IEMed, Cespi and Paralleli participated in the Final Forum with more than 150 other representatives from other institutions and association. On July 7, the opening session was dedicated to the Future Perspective Scenarios. Senen Florensa (IEMed) chaired the debate with Massimo Toschi (Tuscany Region), Giulia Marcon (Piedmont Region), Carlo Rossi (Lazio Region), Miguel Barranquero (Andalusia Region).
The Mediterranean area within the scheme of priorities set out for Europe 2020, the support for democratic values and civil societies in Southern Europe as structuring pillars of North/South cooperation were discussed with also the contribution of the present stakeholders.
Mara Sori (Tuscany Region) presented the achievements and results of the Medgovernance project, and the different political and administrative models of territorial State organization were analised by Francesco Attaguile (Sicilian Region) with representatives of Mediterranean Universities (Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona, University of Foggia, National Institute for Urban and Territorial planning of Rabat).
Contributions to the discussion about the Interregional Cooperation for Territorial Development came as well from Philippe Cichowlaz (PACA) and Claudio Martini (Tuscany Region), in particular about the role of the Committee of Regions and ARLEM as engine of change in governance.
Representatives of ASCAME, Anna Lindh Foundation, EMHRN (Euromediterranean Human Rights Network) gave their proposals in the field of participation of civil society as the framework for decentralized cooperation.
On July 8, Jean Claude Tourret (Imed) chaired the session on the role of administration in the Multilevel governance, with the support and the comments from Avi Rabinovitch (Ministry of Regional Cooperation, Israel), Lourdes Gomez (ART program) and, among others, Afif Hendaoui (National School of Public Administration, Tunis).
"Which Euro Mediterranean policy should be adopted to improve governance?" was the subject of the last session conducted by Alar Olljum (EU Commission, DG Relex) with Larabi Jairi (Mohamed V University, Rabat) Roberto Aliboni.
The closing meeting of Medgovernance project was a successful experience and path the way for further initiatives among the partner regional authorities and the research centres of the Network of Mediterranean Institutes (RIM).
Medovernance final policy paper
Massimo Toschi (Tuscany region) speech
Claudio Martini (Tuscany region) speech
Miguel Barranquero (Andalusia region) speech