BALTRIS - Safer driving within EU

The communications office of the project BALTRIS was present at the Joint Transnational Conference held in Katowice, Poland, 15th-16th of September 2011. The conference was a unique opportunity for discussions about ongoing EU-projects, cooperation and future possibilities. It joined the thirteen transnational programmes (of which the Baltic Sea Region Programme is the one BALTRIS relates to). The thirtheen transnational programmes all have the same goal; to improve quality of life in regional Europe.

BALTRIS plays a vital role
Improving road infrastructure and safety is one of the important subjects. BALTRIS plays a vital role for a future Europe with improved road infrastructure and safety on the roads of all European countries. What the project partners of BALTRIS perform is a step towards improved safety for everyone in the European Union. Starting with the Baltic Sea Region BALTRIS sets a starting point for other areas to use the knowledge and adapt the management tools, ways of inspection and audits. Consider a future EU where you find similar road infrastructure in all places, giving us safer traffic! Driving within Europe will then mean meeting recognizable systems whether you drive in one country or in many different countries, crossing several borders.

Learn more about BALTRIS at
