Between 13 to 14 October 2011 two AUTOCLUSTERS project team, members from „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania, prof. Cristian-Gyozo Haba and prof Dumitru Lucache, attended SIELMEN 2011 Conference 2011 (The 8th International Conference on Electromechanical and Power Systems) which was held in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
As an action within the AUTOCLUSTERS project they have organized the Workshop on Actual Trends in the Electro-Mobility in South Eastern Europe. In the first day the opening of the SIELMEN 2011 Conference gathered the participants in the Rector’s building of the Technical University of Moldova in Chisinau. The speakers have emphasized the long tradition of the SIELMEN Conference which every two years brings together scientists and specialists in the field of Electromechanics and Power Engineering in the East Europe to discuss the latest developments in the field. Following the opening, the participants visited the exhibition organized in the courtyard of the Department of Power Engineering where, on one hand, the teachers and researchers from Technical University of Moldova exposed their results and on the other hand a number of companies from Moldova specialized in the field of electromechanical and power engineering presented their products and integration solutions.
In discussions with both exhibitors and visitors, specialists in the area of electromechanical and power engineering, AUTOCLUSTERS project team members presented the up to date project results with greater emphasis on the issues related to electro-mobility.
On the second day of the conference was organized the Workshop on Actual Trends in the Electro-Mobility in South Eastern Europe. In the first part of the workshop there was presented the small pilot project SEEE-Mobility, part of AUTOCLUSTERS WP7 with a strong focus on the results of the electro-mobility study done in the South East Europe project partner countries. The presentation was followed by discussions in which participants expressed their views on the state of promotion of electric-mobility and of electric vehicles in Eastern Europe. It was concluded that, although there are important results of researchers from Romania and Moldova in the development of improved performance electric motors and related control systems (proved by papers presented during the conference), their implementation in the field of automotive applications is underdeveloped.