Regional Focus Groups for the strategic sectors of agro-food and modern housing have been rallied in

Regional Focus Groups for the strategic sectors of agro-food and modern housing have been rallied in Venice on October 5th

 Adriatic Danubian Clustering

Regional Focus Groups for the strategic sectors of agro-food and modern housing have been successfully rallied in Venice on October 5th, by initiative of the Veneto Region’s Clusters Office as the unit responsible for ADC implementation in the Lead Partner administration.
Four productive districts from Agro-Food and related technology (diary & creamery – sparkling wine – fisheries – packaging) participated to the meeting together with eight dynamic companies and stakeholders. Housing sector accounted for other three productive districts (renewable energy – building restoration – lighting). All together the participating districts represented 1.179 companies and 19.583 jobs (Data 2009).
Participants expressed high interest for ADC project aims and actively contributed to the design of further steps to be implemented at transnational level. The topical approach of ADC has been also stressed in the light of the recommendations provided by the European Policy Cluster Group as off the European Cluster Conference held in Brussels on September 29th.
A second round of RFGs, including mecatronics, has been planned before the meetings of the Sectoral Working Groups at transnational level