The CeRamICa project shares the European know-how in Vallauris

The Italian and the Portuguese delegation spent two active day in Vallauris from 30 September till 1 October 2010 in order to change experiences and know-how .
The partners discovered several workshops (Dominique Blancheri-Natoli, Gérard Crociani) and gallery (Sassi-Mili), visited the famous Municipal School of Fine Arts and Ceramics where they participated in clay turning and raku demonstrations and they did not fail to see the War and Peace Chapel painted by Pablo Picasso, the exhibition room of the Vallauris Association of Ceramics Expansion, where the delegations saw numerous ceramics from Vallauris and Abruzzo, and of course looked around in the International Biennial of Contemporary Ceramics at the Alberto Magnelli museum. The participants, especially professionals, could meet some local collegues: Marcel Giraud and Annie Bouchard and could share their experiences about this sector and profession.