Tex-Eastile at the Compraverde Fair of Cremona


Tex-Eastile took actively part to the Compraverde Fair for the second consecutive year.

The Fair, held on 7th and 8th October in Cremona, is the most important showcase of policies, plans, goods and services for Green Public Procurement in Italy. It has been opened 4 years ago by the Province of Cremona, a pioneer Administration as for GPP, recognised also by the  European Commission and constantly indicated as “good example” for local initiatives on Public Administration green purchases.

This year event launched TexEASTile’s operating phase, facing the active involvement of the private companies and Public Administration of the 5 Member States (Italy, Greece, Rumania, Hungary, Bulgaria) and of the Bosnia Herzegovina, as external partner.

The operative phase promotes the construction of a community of excellence among international operators, so to spread Green Purchasing practices and competencies  by the means of an interactive website www.texeastile.eu . The project network will firstly involve companies and PAs contacted in the course of interviews and check-ups campaigns, and progressively reach centres of excellence for technological innovation, certification bodies, universities and other nets of the textile sector.

During the first day of the Fair TexEASTile hosted the international workshop “GPP from A to Z”. Topics such as European and international legal context for green public contracts, strategies for sustainable consumption and production, environmental criteria for goods and services based on the life-cycle and ecological labels, best practices on green procurement were under discussion.

The event has been a good occasion for participants in order to share their competences and make them homogenous, so to be more effective in promoting Green Public Procurement in the South East of the European Union.

A dedicated website is online and available for those interested in getting to know more about the event that took place in Cremona:  http://www.forumcompraverde.it/7_ottobre.html. The website features specific sections with encompassing information on the main highlights of the two-days event.