Practicing biomedicine in Gothenburg

CLUSNET’s latest seminar was held in the city of Gothenburg between 8 and 10 September 2010. The theme of the meeting was ‘practical approaches to more BIO Innovations’. During the seminar, the team discussed and exchanged experiences on how to support new bio innovations with the objective of improving already existing efforts in the area.
Gothenburg is one of Sweden’s leading industrial regions. It is characterised by a high level of competitiveness and investment in R&D. It is home to over 165 companies that employ 7000 people in the biomedical industry. The city is a major hub for logistics and distribution of pharmaceuticals and medical devices in the Nordic area. It also holds a tradition in the biomedical field including both industrial and academic agents.

The region is home to a very strong cluster within the field of biomaterials and regenerative medicine. The model of cluster activities includes the business and public sectors, academia, and the city’s health care system. The company managing the cluster, Business Region Göteborg (BRG) is fully owned by the city working to strengthen and develop trade and industry in the region. It represents the 13 municipalities that make-up the sub-region.

The cluster has been branded under the label GöterborgBIO representing Gothenburg as 'one of Europe's most innovative and expansive regions'. The cluster is active in different focus areas including educating and training future leaders in advance business development, increasing commercialisation, developing and reinforcing the infrastructure for commercial development projects and attracting expertise and capital to the biomedical field within the region. One of the main elements of the cluster initiative is the development of a strong brand for the biomedical cluster.

There are a series of objectives that have been set for 2015 which aim to improve the increase the cluster's range. Firstly, to increase the number of people employed in the field, create new companies with over 15 employees, attract even more international companies to the region, increase indirect employment, make the health care system in the region the top European system for medical trials and finally, make the city an international icon for growth and biomedicine.

The main challenge facing the cluster is expanding the functional region and central goals. To expand, it is foreseen that they should increase the functional region to cover 1.5 million inhabitants, expand the city-centre so they can welcome 30,000 new inhabitants and 40,000 new white collar workers. Commuting with public transportation will almost double to 40% of users and improving infrastructure.

The CLUSNET team has made a series of recommendations:
- The region has yet to build a visible brand in global markets for talent and investment. It should help to bridge the gap between the public sector as a source of funding and firms in the cluster. GoterborgBio must play a larger role in promoting the cluster. It must rethink its branding;
- The Bioscience Business School GIBBS could be turned into a magnet for both promising project ideas and talent. This would lead to the creation of a European network of entrepreneurial schools;
- They should address the issue of the ‘neutrality’ of the cluster organisation, with increased private funding and a decreasing role of the public sector.;
- Work with hospitals should be expanded as they are not only sources of innovative products but also for new health practices and methods;
- Finally, the cluster should increase the cooperation between SMEs, between SMEs and larger firms and cooperation with multinational firms that can invest in the region.