4th Steering Committee Meeting of AGROENVIRONMED Project, Siena


The fourth Steering Committee meeting of the AGROENVIRONMED project, co-financed by ERDF fund of the European Commission through the MED Programme and led by IAT, was held in Siena (Italy) on the 18th and 19th November 2010.
The meeting was chaired by the coordinator, IAT, while nine more partner organisations representing regions from France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain participated in order to join forces in developing a common agenda on future actions to ensure the smooth progression of the project.
The meeting kicked off with a presentation of Component 3 responsible with an overview of work conducted by all partners related to Component 3 "Platform" especially the 3.3 “Regional Characterization” and 3.4 "Interregional Characterization”.
A very important component of the meeting was for activities related to component 4, the template of the Catalogue of Best Available Environmental Technologies and the Catalogue of
Best Environmental Practices, and the webtool design, in order to disseminate the technologies and best practices identified and to provide users with an exhaustive description and applicability.
Another important component of the meeting was the ‘Sectors Bilateral Meetings’ where partners sharing the same agrofood sector had the opportunity to set a common working agenda for the upcoming months within the framework of the International Review of Best Environmental Practices and Best Available Technologies activity.
During the second day the discussions focused around the Administrative/Financial issues of the project.
The communication action plan for the next months will concentrate on the update of the common activities of component 4, development of the newsletters and prepare the National Conference from each region.