WASMAN Waste Management State-of-the-Art Report now available

The WASMAN Waste Management State-of-the-Art Report has been issued and is available on WASMAN web site -  Deliverable section. The report  aims at providing to Waste Management operators and local authorities a solid information basis for the elaboration and adoption of Local Strategies on Municipal Solid Waste Management, as well as for the preparation of sustainable MSWM Plans. It has been elaborated by a WASMAN working group led by Larnaca District Development Agency and is the outcome of a relatively long term process, involving the joint work of WASMAN experts (at least one from each project partner) and Waste Management Partnership members.
The report is structured in three interrelated parts:
1. an introductory analysis of EU policy on Municipal Solid Waste Management;
2. a regional analysis of the state of the art, focusing on the eight  geographical areas linked to the project partners; and
3. a concise analysis of the key outcomes of the regional research and SWOT analysis.