On the 18th October, the International Public Conference “Living Labs and the Future Internet – Towards Smart Cities and Regions” took place, organized by Anetel, Larnaca District Development Agency. The central issue of the conference was the strategic potential of the Future Internet that continues to emerge, thus turning digital citizenship into a concern for the sustainable development of communities throughout the world. New approaches, such as Living Labs, underline the link between technology and territory, innovation and community life. Therefore, the seminar provided an overview of current trends in Europe and beyond, with a focus on projects from the recently launched Smart Cities programme and initiatives leading towards a Smart Regions concept. The seminar was opened by Mr Spyros Elenodorou (ANETEL President) and Mr Michalis Zanos (ANETEL Managing Director). The context of the seminar and Medlab project were presented by Ms Eudokia Balamou (ANETEL). Then the floor was given to several speakers presenting development in Europe and beyond: Mr Nikos Komninos (URENIO, Thessaloniki) “Smart Cities: the PEOPLE Project”; Mr Jesse Marsh (Atelier Studio Associato, Palermo) “Smart Cities: the Periphèria Project”; Mr Francesco Molinari (Lunigiana Amica, Massa) “Smart Regioms. E-Toscana”; Ms Laia Pujol (I2BC) “Smart Regions: The Andalusian Living Lab Network”. Finally, the discussion ended with a round table moderated by Mr Michalis Zanos where speakers interacted with local stakeholders.
During the afternoon of the same day, the first part of the 6th MedLab Steering Committee Meeting was held. The new participants presented themselves and the Lead Partner made an overview on the status of the project. Some strategic issues were discussed such as strategic developments in partner regions, the Commission’s communications, and developments within ENOLL. Finally the financial and administrative issues were dealt as well as the future of the project.
On 19th October there was the 6th MedLab Technical Meeting. The responsible partners reported about the progress of the different components 3, 4 and 5, discussed about the latest news of the communication component 1, and finally decided to hold next meeting in Rome.