C2CN ISC Meeting Amsterdam 18-19 November

On 18 November the project partners of C2CN gathered together in Amsterdam for an International Steering Committee meeting. An exiting two day programme was put together, focussing mainly on the most valuable output for 2011, the regional action plans.
For all partners it was a pleasure seeing each other again since Cambridge. Yet, what was more important was to check that we were all thinking along similar lines and prepare oneself for the upcoming year. In order to accomplish this and stimulate the working progress, lead partner Limburg deemed an ISC meeting highly valuable, as did the partners. All regions were present as well as Mathieu Fichter on behalf of the European Commission. The morning session started off with a presentation on the state of affairs, a proposed programme for the mid term conference in Graz and a presentation by Mr Fichter how to build the bridge to the cohesion and structural funds. In order to draw the partners’ attention to the action plans, a short film made by ERIK Action (a former fast track project) was shown. It provided the partners with a basic idea on how to draw up an action plan and what importing of good practices actually implies.
After a delightful lunch the partners were challenged more deliberately. Triggered by a little questionnaire everyone prepared and briefly presented their ideas and situation in paving the way for a successful action plan. Challenges which everyone needed to consider were the most interesting target areas, the role to be played by your organisation, your relation with the Managing Authority and Operational Programme, available funding and possible matches with other programmes. All partners succeeded to answer the questions and by the end of the meeting everyone had a clearer picture of what challenges lay ahead. The time is short and the time is now. This ISC meeting succeeded well in drawing a better picture of what a regional action plan should consist of and, moreover, it emphasised the need to start immediately. By the time of the mid term event in Graz, each partner will have a clearer defined idea of how to set up the action plan.
The next day, 19 November, C2CN was invited by the Amsterdam East district. Mr. Joep Vaessen gave us an opportunity to have a look in their C2C kitchen. Two main projects were presented and, moreover, the partners visited both locations. Both the renovation of the monumental residential area Jeruzalem as well as the self sustaining floating houses were highly interesting and appealing to our international team. The day was closed with a lunch offered by the Amsterdam East district which was highly appreciated by the C2CN team. Special thanks to Mr Joep Vaessen and the Amsterdam East district for their hospitality and well arranged programme. Altogether it was two interesting days which hopefully provided everyone with refreshing energy for the second year of the project!