Inspiring Entrepreneurship Conference held in Vejle, Denmark


On November 16th, policy makers and experts got together at the first ENSPIRE EU Entrepreneurship Conference to discuss how to inspire future generations to become entrepreneurs.
The ENSPIRE EU project is funded by the EU's European Regional Development fund through the INTERREG IVC programme, and seeks to address the issue of why the desire for Europeans to be self-employed is decreasing, when the support for entrepreneurs is increasing?
The conference was organised by the Vejle Business Development Agency in Denmark, one of the 12 partners in the ENSPIRE EU project, and brought together experts from around Europe to understand what it is exactly that inspires people to become entrepreneurs, and what policies help to create an entrepreneurial mindset.
It was clear from most of the examples, education in one form or another is absolutely vital to a successful entrepreneurial economy.
The conference was a great success. Presentations and a short video of the day are also available