The TEENERGY Campus will take place in Athens Greece 29th November– 4th December 2010


Aiming at Regional competitiveness and sustainable development in the European context
Teenergy Schools, co-financed by the Regional Development Fund of the European Union,
targets the improvement of Energy Efficiency in public school buildings in the Mediterranean
Area covering 5 different territories and 3 typical climate conditions referred to coast, mountain
and plain. The Campus will be held in University of Athens. Building Physics 9, University Campus,
15784, Athens, Greece.

The Teenergy Schools International Campus will gather post graduate students from 4 partners
countries during a three day workshop. About 30 students will collaborate in 5 international
work groups on various thematical focusses regarding the 12 PILOT PROJECTS of the project.

The TEENERGY STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING and the WORKSHOP will take place in IASA, University campus, Zografou.
The TEENERGY CONFERENCE will take place in Hotel Metropolitan.