European Week for Waste Reduction: the results go beyond our expectations


More than 4300 action in 2010: the EWWR confirms its success as a popular European event!

According to the last count, 4346 awareness raising actions about waste prevention have been implemented between last 20 and 28 November, across 23 countries under the coordination of 32 public authorities and the EWWR Secretariat. This outstanding result confirms the success of the European Week for Waste Reduction and we wish to thank all the participants who took part to the EWWR this year.

 From simple emails listing waste prevention tips to exhibitions, pieces of art and competitions, EWWR initiativestook various aspects, but it is not possible to list all the kinds of actions here: you can consult the list of actions on the EWWR website. The aim was the same each time: catch citizens’ attention, in the street, at school or the office or in the supermarket, and make them think about waste prevention and change their behaviour. The most interesting actions will be selected for the EWWR Awards competition. A European jury, made of representatives of each Project developers’ category, will reward the most outstanding EWWR actions during a ceremony that will take place during the evening of the 28 March 2011, on the same day a European conference on waste prevention (implemented in the framework of the Pre-waste project).

In addition to the actions implemented during the EWWR, this year, the European Week for Waste Reduction started with one of the most original actions developed in this project: a European-wide event made of percussions on empty garbage bins took place in several countries at the same time (Saturday 20 November at 11.00am) under the concept of a "flash mob". The idea, named as a "BatucaMob" where Batucada means "beat" in Portuguese, was to invite people from several countries to signal the beginning as well as the importance of the Week.

The EWWR 2010 ended in a success. The EWWR 2011 will take place between 19 and 27 November 2011. A call for appointing the official Organisers will be launched at the beginning of 2011. We count on you to join in the 2011 edition!