Nano4m Newsletter n.2

nano4m -read the newsletter
- Nanotechnology for Market is a transnational project, in which partners from different European countries are working. Nano4m, funded by INTERREG IVC, began in October 2008 and is going to end in September 2011.
The total budget is € 1,845,892.00 with an ERDF contribution of € 1,384,419.00.
Twelve European partners in Tuscany (Italy), North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany), Lorraine (France) and Asturias (Spain) are collaborating with the main aim of finding new paths, new approaches for new concrete market applications of nanotechnology and in improving technology transfer policies and initiatives. Development of emerging business opportunities in nano/micro technology is the objective, together with the adoption of “best practices” for market-oriented strategic planning in selected public research and technology centres, as well as for regional/local governments and regional policies within Europe. Nano4m wants to create an experience-based network open for new partners after the end of the project.