The SHIFT project, presented in a conference on Mediterranean cooperation in Brussels

Within the framework of the Conference "The Euro-region of the Mediterranean Basin, the gateway to Europe", an event for the promotion of local and regional best practices, some European regionscoming from the Mediterranean area organised a joint seminar to address the role of the regions as drivers of Mediterranean cooperation.
Held at the European Parliament in Brussels, this event was aimed at defending the inclusion of the Mediterranean corridor as a priority project within the Trans-European Transport Networks. During the meeting,the White Book on the Infrastructures of the Mediterranean Basin was presented at the European level. This document has been produced by the Institute of Economics and Business Ignasi Villalongaand its main aim is to make a diagnosis ofthe transportneeds of the Euroregion, as well as to make a proposal of strategies for infrastructure and services, funding models and operational management for the Mediterranean territories and for the whole European Union.
This event was a great opportunity for numerous regional representatives and experts on regional and local development from both the public and the private sectors to exchange best practices and experiences on cooperation and territorial development.
Encourage greater participation in European initiatives
In this regard, the director general of the Valencian Regional Office in Brussels, Juan Manuel Revuelta, presented the SHIFT project as an example of best practices on interregional cooperation in the Mediterranean basin, while highlighting the regional cooperation model developed by the Valencian Region. He also stressed the importance of searching tools that promote and encourage the exchange of best practices with other regions and cities of the EU, as an important key to development.