Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Developoment , Tulcea, Romania, coordinates the data collection activity: hypsometric, hydrological and socio-economic for realizing hazard and risk maps along the Danube.In the context described, specialists from the Institute will organize an international workshop with the following themes:
• Availability check and first quality check; the first activities are to set up a complete list of available data and to discover the conditions of access (rights, costs). The availability check includes an assessment of data quality compared with the defined requirements; accessible data that fulfil the requirements will be used for test data sets to perform quality test as defined in WP 3.
• Acquisition of additional and missing data; for areas where no data are available, data will be acquired (within available budget), including supporting actions (flight permissions, provision of ground data) and checks of results. Special focus is on data for inundation calculation (terrain data, batimetry information) and damage calculation (land use, statistics, damage functions). Costs for data collection depend on the dimension of flooded areas, of the length of the river sector crossing should be monitored by each partner, the hydraulic works and solutions adopted by partners.
• Set up of a common data base: to have a common approach data handling should be organized from a central point. Based on the definitions all data are made accessible to all partners depending on the needs. Also all relevant meta data need to be available. If some of the data are not distributable the relevant data description, coverage of the data and some sample data should be available.