International Thermal Tourism Congress

The International Thermal Tourism Congress will take place in Ourense (Spain) from 2nd until the 6th of March 2011. This event is undertaken under the project TERMARED – INTERREG IVB Sudoe programme, in which participates one of the partner institutions in the B2N project - the Development Association of the Alto Tâmega’s Region (ADRAT).

The TERMARED project is based on the creation and development of a cooperation network for exchange of thermal knowledge and innovation in the area covered by the Sudoe programme (Portugal, Spain, France and United Kingdom). The project’s main activities undertaken were: 3 itinerant seminars with the aim of training professionals on thermal waters and exchange of good practices, investigation and analyses of not explored springs (mineral medicinal springs), edition of a guide with the list all springs investigated; application of a pilot experience using a scientific tool developed to control the sanitation risk in the thermals installations and finally the celebration of an International Thermal Tourism Congress.

For more information about the congress and registration forms consult the website or see the Programme of the International Thermal Tourism Congress