Third Meeting of the Veneto Region Agro-food Regional Focus Groups

On 24th of January 2011, the third meeting of the Regional Focus Group for the strategic agro-food sector took place in Conegliano, at the local branch of the Padua University. The meeting was aimed at identifying the specific fields of cooperation to be developed through ADC project by the agro food sector representatives of Veneto region.

The discussion developed during the meeting confirmed once again the strategic role that ADC platform may play for the strengthening of the economic relations in SEE countries at cluster level and an opportunity of cooperation and growth for the agro-food sector in particular. It was highlighted that, in the perspective of the forthcoming Partnership Events, transnational cluster cooperation should be focused on:

- Knowledge transfer about EU standardization rules and improvement of human capital to be developed with direct involvement of the industrial sector;

- Inter-sectoral connections between cluster should be encouraged. Particular attention should be paid to interconnections between milk&dairy and zoo technician sectors;

- It is fundamental to exploit the potential of ADC platform as mean for a better lobbying on EU institution in order to improve the critical mass of the SEE agro-food sector in particular regarding the legislation on products traceability and quality production;

- During the next SWG meeting to be held in Udine on 14th of February 2011 the “Partnership agreement” draft will presented to ADC partners for its discussion and improvement.

As a final outcome of the meeting, the main dimension proposed by Veneto representatives for the ADC cooperation framework should be identified in “Food Security”, “Quality” and “Sustainable production”. Veneto agro-food clusters confirmed their commitment in following ADC activities during the forthcoming months.