First meeting of the ETC post 2013 Working Group on Finance Management

Stakeholders responsible for financial management and first level control in ETC programmes and MS have agreed to join efforts and work together towards harmonised, simplified and clarified programme financial management and control environment in the post 2014 programming period.


  1. To finalise a shared proposal as input to the new regulations for the methodology for implementation of a flat rate for office and administration costs as a percentage of staff costs
  2. To start agreeing on the content of fact sheets and guidance covering the main cost categories and budget lines (i.e. reaching agreements on shared definitions, scope and methods for addressing main cost categories)
  3. To identify differences between control reports currently in use in ETC programmes and MS and agree on the scope of FLC
  4. To kick off the process of developing agreed-upon FLC common templates (i.e. control report) outlining minimum (and maximum) standards
  5. To establish a community of practitioners taking an active interest in further improving the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of control in ETC
  6. To promote the principles of simplification, harmonisation and clarification, risk-based control and professional judgement

Target group:

The target group for this event are finance staff from JTS, MA and staff responsible for quality assurance, designing and implementing FLC systems in MS. It is important that staff with relevant experience meet to actively and effectively input to this future-shaping process.   

For further information on:

Draft Agenda First meeting of the ETC post 2013 Working Group on Finance Management
