With reference to the official adoption of the Agreement between Programme Partners, reached with the approval of all the submitted points through the 19th Written procedure launched by the Managing Authority on March, 3rd 2011 and positively concluded on March 8th, 2011, the Monitoring Committee of the Cross Border Cooperation Programme Italy-Slovenia 2007-2013 approved the allocation of resources for the financing of three more projects submitted under the public call No. 01/2009, which are included in the final ranking list of eligible projects for each priority, but were not financed because of lack of funds within the mentioned public call. With the new allocation of additional resources the first excluded projects for each priority are financed, in particular: Priority 1. “Interbike”, Priority 2. “Trans2care”, Priority 3. “Openmuseum”.
The Monitoring Committee also adopted the text of the public call for standard projects – land border funds - No. 03/2011 with the instruction for the MA to publish, with the support of the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS), the public call within 30 days after the closure of the present WP.
Furthermore, the Monitoring Committee ratified the lists of eligible project proposals that will be quality assessed, ineligible project proposals and the lists of the proposals that may proceed to the next phases of evaluation with reserve, for which are foreseen additional proceedings.
A consensus was also reached by the Monitoring Committee on the postponement of the launch of a public call for small projects, which will be financed using eventually available resources coming from not spent funds allocated to the other public calls.
Ratified List of Project proposals – public call n. 02/2009
