BaltCICA - 2nd International Conference, Bergen

We have an extended registration deadline by April 8th, 2011!

The full programme is available at also for registration

In Northern Europe, climate changes are expected to entail heavy downpours, increased flooding and sea level rise, all of which will affect the built environment as well as water quality and water availability. Cities and coastal areas are especially vulnerable to the consequences of climate change due to high population density.
How do cities and local communities cope with the challenges posed by climate change? What adaptation tools have been tried and with what result? How can the need for climate change adaptation be reconciled with the other needs of the population, business and industry?

The 2nd BaltCICA conference cooperates with the MARE-project.

The conference will present some of the specific actions taken in Scandinavia and Europe, particularly in the Bergen region and in the Baltic Sea Region in order to meet the challenges of a changed climate and to enhance climate resilience. Three particular challenges will be in focus at the conference:

  • Strategies for participation and stakeholder involvement in climate change adaptation processes
  • Coordination of adaptive action in metropolitan areas and city regions
  • Tools and methods for designing and implementing climate change adaptation measures
Speakers from Norway, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Finland and Lithuania present local and regional approaches to climate change adaptation.
