Presentation of the Good Practice: I-Creo Network

The I-Creo network is a pioneer initiative set by the Regional Ministry of Industry of the Valencia Region in 2006 to assist the most representative sectors of the region hiring innovation experts in order to seek, propose andmature new business opportunities.

Its main objective is to give support for business associations (clusters) formed by SMEs, aiming to innovation and knowledge exchange. Furthermore, it aims to detect innovation opportunities in the main fields of economic activities of the region through a network of professionals working as a think tank.

The Regional Ministry has invested 5,6 million Euro in this initiative that hasgrown in presence since 2006 from the initial 15 to 23 sectors today.

The I-Creo network has been able to generate 650 innovation opportunities for SMEs of the region, which in their turn have articulated the participation of enterprises in 900 national and international projects after 2.500 direct contacts.
