Submission Period
23/03/2011 - 10/06/2011
Description of Measures
The present Call for Proposals is open to three (3) Programme Priorities:
1. Quality of Life
2. Accessibility
3. Competitiveness & Human Resources
and to all related Areas of Intervention
Final Beneficiaries
1. National, Regional or Local Public Authorities
2. Bodies governed by public law (according to the provisions of article F-b of the 2nd Call for Project Proposals)
3. Private organizations: non profit organizations founded according to private law can be eligible under the following conditions,
a. they do not have a commercial or industrial character or activities
b. they do not distribute profits to the stakeholders
c. they operate for at least one year before the launch of the specific call for proposals
It should be noted that private companies, not falling under the above categories 2 and 3 are not eligible.
Project proposals must include Partners from both countries participating in the Operational Programme and cooperating in at least two of the following ways: joint development, joint implementation, joint staffing and joint financing. The total number of Partners must not exceed ten (10) including the Lead Partner.
The total budget available for the present call is 44,000,000.00 euros (of which 37,400,000.00 euros ERDF). Projects shall have total eligible costs ranging from a minimum of 200,000€ up to a maximum of 2,000,000€ for Priority Axis 1 and Priority Axis 3. The budget of project proposals submitted within the framework of Priority Axis 2 should be of 1,000,000€ minimum with no upper limit.
Declaration of not generating revenues
Declaration of non distribution of profits
Annex I - Project Selection Criteria
Annex III - Partnership Agreement
Annex V – Justification of budget – Instructions
Annex VI – Guidance on management verification OP Greece – Bulgaria
Annex VII – ΥΠΑΣΥΔ(Ministerial Decision for Management and Control System – for Greek Partners)
Annex VIII – Rules on the Eligibility of expenditure ETC GR-BG Programme (for Bulgarian Partners)