Central Baltic: Financial seminar, Helsinki/Finland

The Financial seminar provides news on current updates related to financial reporting and an opportunity for the people working in the projects to meet each other, to share experiences and used methods. The seminar is targeted for the call 1-3 projects and offers also a possibility to discuss together with the JTS, MA, CA and FLC about issues that projects have faced in financial reporting.

The projects (max 1 person per project, preferably a person who is working with the financial reporting of the project) of calls 1-3 are invited to take part in the Financial seminar to meet other projects and exchange experience to ensure smooth financial reporting. If there are available seats left, also call 4 projects are invited.

The seminar takes place on May 24, 2011.

Venue: Pääposti, Mannerheiminaukio 1 B, Helsinki, Finland

Last day for registrations is May 13, 2011.

Draft Agenda

9:30−10:00                   Registration and coffee

10:00−11:00                  JTS’s and Managing Authority’s news on current updates related to reporting

11:00−11:30                  Budget flexibility

11:30−12:00                  FLC’s news

12:00−13:00                  Lunch (not provided)

13:00−13:30                  TAC procedure

13:30−15:30                  Financial assessment


15:30−16:00                  Certifying Authority’s news

16:00−16:15                  Closure of the day

Downloadable version of the Agenda: Financial seminar Draft Agenda (65.4 kB 2011-03-30 10:47:30)

If you have questions about the seminar, contact Niina Hedborg (niina.hedborg@centralbaltic.eu, +358 40 5855632) or Maria Pikkarainen (maria.pikkarainen@centralbaltic.eu, +358 50 5487547).

You can register for the event here

source: http://www.centralbaltic.eu/