The INNOVATE and SWIFT projects were presented at the European Institutions Open Day

Representatives of 50 European regions participated in this event and included, among other activities, a large exhibition area where both local/regional authorities and businesses showcased projects and some of their products in more than 40 stands placed in the CoR.

The INNOVATE and SWIFT projects were among those presented during this edition of the Open Days.  An information point of the project was placed in the Interregional Cooperation area of Committee of the Regions (5thfloor, rue Belliard 99-101 1040 Brussels) with printed material such as newsletters, leaflets and factsheets in order to distribute to visitors.

This event was an excellent platform to promote INNOVATE and SWIFT as an example of best practices on interregional cooperation in the Mediterranean basin, and to know the latest publications issued, as well as the most recent activities and events organised by the different project partners.
