The Regional Energy Agency of Dodecanese SA and the South Aegean Region, within the framework of the Project INNOVATE-MED, organized a two-day event in Rhodes, from the 11th to the 12th of March 2011.
The 11th of March, a presentation of the Project to Associative Bodies took place, where competent stakeholders from public and private organizations were invited. During the Presentation the host partner informed the participants about the Project and more specifically about the results and benefits that have arisen for the region. There was a Press Conference too where the host partner presented the Communication Component of the Project. Local public and private skateholders could assist to a more extensive description of the project
On 12th of March a workshop was organized,entitled “Distribution of Goods: Support operations, trends and new technologies”. The instructor of the workshop was Dr. Vasilios Zeibekis, Professor in the University of Aegean, with long term teaching and consulting experience. The participants were professionals from enterprises, which operate vehicles for distribution, ex-van sales and transfers. A Partner Level Local Seminar, entitled “Green freight: trends, support activities and best practices” closed the act. The instructor of the Local Seminar was, again, Dr. Vasilios Zeibekis, since the subject was in line with his fields of expertise.
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