In its new publication "European Cooperation growing Smart," INTERACT is addressing synergies and links between European Territorial Cooperation and other funding opportunities in the field of smart growth and innovation.
The publication addresses a number of issues related to smart growth and innovation, in and outside of ETC:
- What is innovation? How can regions and ETC contribute to innovation? Contributions by Claus Schultze, DG Regional Policy, and Ieva Kalnina, INTERACT.
- A special dossier on ETC experiences in the field of smart growth and innovation.
- Looking behind ETC: Experiences from FP7, Objective 1 and 2.
- How to secure innovation - an insight into intellectual property rights
- ... and many more
INTERACT Publication | European Cooperation Growing Smart | May 2011
A dedicated publication addressing smart growth and innovation in ETC, and synergies with other funds and initiatives