Society needs to be educated about role of business incubators

On May 23 in Riga within the framework of ‘Intercountry Business Incubator Network' (IBI Net) project, which is co-financed by the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013, discussion about development perspectives of business incubators in Latvia, problems an possible solutions was held.

One of the questions discussed was, how to better inform society about work of business incubators, for better attraction of investments, more qualitative new business projects and support from government.

Education about role of business incubators in economy is the only way to assure support from government, as well as to get professionally made Project applications from new entrepreneurs. Experience till now shows that not all of applicants, which turns to business incubators, have complete understanding of what are the functions and power of business incubators.

Participants of the discussion evaluated positively opportunities given by IBI Net Project, which anticipates close international cooperation between different business incubators or Baltic Sea Region.

The decision to make such discussions with even bigger representation of different interested parties was made during the event.

Participants from business incubators located in Riga planning region, technology and innovation centres of universities and Investment and Development Agency of Latvia took part in the discussion.

For the first time research about development of business incubators in Baltic Sea region, with main conclusions and recommendations was presented during the discussion. Research was made in supreme command of Teknikdalen Foundation (Sweden) in cooperation with projects' partners: Riga Technical University, Municipality of Elblag City (Poland), Technology Centre of Western Pomerania (Germany), State Enterprise "Scientific - Technological Park BNTU "Polytechnic" (Belarus) and Innovation Centre Hedmark (Norway).
