CAPRICE Project’s Results

CAPRICE - ‘CAPital Regions Integrating Collective transport for increased energy Efficiency’

The project’s main aim is the exchange of experiencesamong local and regional authorities in Europe. It hereby promotes integrated public transport systems leading to improved energy usage. Therefore,workshops have been core element of the project in which the group and selected experts exchanged experiences on topics that concern public transport. CAPRICE has enabled all project partners to mutually enrich and strengthen one another.

As result, CAPRICE identified good practices and defined recommendationsfor the national and European level. The project demonstrates all the benefits of promoting exchanges at the European level which provide excellent guidelines for developing a sustainable mobility policy.

These exchanges have strengthened our conviction that the existence of strong authorities, which are responsible for public transport systems in European metropolitan areas, is essential . These authorities are better qualified to implement integrated and high-performance transport systems which focus on their users and respond to their needs.

These outcomes of 2 years of constructive exchanges are collected in the Good Practice Guide ’A Decision Maker’s Guide’. With the Good Practice Guide, CAPRICE also animates to learn from those good practices and transfer them in the own European metropolitan region in order to improve the efficiency of our public transport systems and take up the urban mobility challenge.

Besides identifying and promoting good practices, the CAPRICE project group helps to transfer knowledge. Two practical results are the set-up of the pilots to implement a public transport authority in Bucharest and the new travel planner for the Warsaw metropolitan region. All the results of the exchange of experience and the debates about it were discussed with high political representatives and managers in the field of public transport at the final conference in Paris.

The CAPRICE results are the topic of this eighth and last newsletter of the CAPRICE project and its group. We would like to thank all public transport experts and interested people for their attention to CAPRICE and its work.

The project will end on 30 June 2011 but its homepage will still be available until mid-2016. The coordinator is, of course, always open to questions and concerns of yours, just contact us

ZTM Warsaw (Poland), MESP Vilnius (Lithuania), PMB Municipality of Bucharest (Romania), STIF Paris Ile-de-France (France) and VBB Berlin-Brandenburg (Germany)
