The Chamber of Valencia supports Wine Tourism as additional product against the stationary

The Chamber of Commerce of Valencia is taking part in the sustainable tourism SHIFT Project. Its objective is to achieve diversification away from seasonal coast tourism and to offer alternative tourism in Valencia province inland areas. In the framework of this Project, the Chamber of Valencia has designed two wine tourism itineraires, in Requena-Utiel and Fontanars dels Alforins areas, with more than 200 companies related with wine tourism (restaurants, wine cellars, adventure tourism, museums, accommodation...). These companies will benefit from the promotional actions adressed to European touroperators.

In the framework of the SHIFT Project, the Camber of Valencia has carried out from July to October 2010 a Mistery Shopper reserarch for the 22 visitable wine cellars of the province of Valencia.

On the ocassion of the European Wine Tourism Day (14th November), the Chamber of Valencia has published a report about development and growth of this new tourist sector. The main conclusion to this report is the fact that wine tourism becomes a tool for diversification away from seasonal coast tourism, since the high season months are March-April-May and September-October-November.

Spain has 19 Wine Routes, including 450 wine cellars. The Valencian Region has three Guarantees of Origin concerning wines, but only one Wine Route (Utiel-Requena), wich embraces 58 establishments (20 wine cellars, 9 restaurants, 4 hotels, 12 country houses, 2 wine bars, 9 museums/exhibition spaces and 2 adventure tourism companies).
