New vacancies at the INTERACT Programme Secretariat

09.06.2011 | in Bratislava, Slovak Republic | Deadline for application 16.06.2011
The INTERACT Programme Joint Technical Secretariat is looking for applicants to support its activities in the field of the KEEP system.

The INTERACT Programme Joint Technical Secretariat is looking for applicants to support its activities in the field of the KEEP system.

Two positions are open:

  1. INTERACT KEEP data keyword assistant;
  2. INTERACT KEEP data verification assistant.

INTERACT KEEP data keyword assistant

Key Tasks:
To support the INTERACT Secretariat in the further development of data, in particular: 

  • Work in close cooperation with the INTERACT Secretariat or nominated representatives;
  • Check the correctness of the websites of the projects;
  • Allocate themes and keywords to the projects according to the agreed standards.

Depending on the availability of data, the task to be performed could cover up to 1.000
project data.

For more information regarding this position, please download the detailed vacancy announcement HERE

INTERACT KEEP data verification assistant

Key Tasks:
To support the INTERACT Secretariat in the operational implementation of relevant KEEP
database verification assistance activities, in particular: 

  • Work in close cooperation with the INTERACT Secretariat or nominated representatives;
  • Analyse project- and partner-data in terms of completeness;
  • Arrange project- and partner-data according to the agreed formal standards;

Depending on the availability of data, the task to be performed could cover up to 1.000
project data.

For more information regarding this position, please download the detailed vacancy announcement HERE

For both positions Bratislava Self Governing Region will offer the successful candidates a shortterm employment contract under Slovak Law (Labour Agreement / Work
Performance Agreement). Start date will be in July 2011.

For both positions the deadline for the presentation of the application is 16 June 2011 at 11,59 pm
