Outcomes from discussiosn on the future of IPA CBC Programmes with Member States

Summary of key points from discussions on the Future of IPA CBC workshop are now available

The services of the European Commission, responsible for IPA CBC, together with INTERACT, organised a meeting on 31 March - 1 April 2011 which aimed towards discussing the IPA CBC with Member States framework for the next programming period.

This meeting brought together a group of key representatives from IPA CBC programmes, between Member States and accession countries, in order to provide constructive proposals and operational feedback regarding the cross-border cooperation component of the pre-accession instrument.

A summary of key points from the discussions, from the point of view of programmes' managers, which could be used as input for preparation of the next programming period, is now available for download below.

IPA CBC future | Key Outcomes | June 2011

Summary of key points of the discussion on IPA CBC with Member States that could be used as input for preparation of the next programming period, from the point of view of programmes' managers

source: http://www.interact-eu.net