POWER empowering the low carbon economy

Building low carbon economies through the use of innovative low-carbon technologies, improvements in resource efficiency and changes in our lifestyle choices will be the key features of our ‘roadmap’ towards a sustainable secure future.

By September 2011, the POWER Programme will have tested different options for achieving low carbon economies at regional level. In particular, by influencing regional development strategies, policy instruments and identifying effective forms of sub-regional action which will contribute to the regional competitiveness of the participating regions and the well being of their citizens.

    Why to attend?

    • Gain new insights on delivering low carbon economies at regional level, from policy experts in European regions

    • Find out about new grassroots initiatives to help achieve a low carbon economy that could be replicated in your country

    • See best practices in the fields of energy efficiency, renewable energy, eco innovation, sustainable transport and behaviour change

    • Find new partners for further European bids in the field of renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable transport and eco-innovation

    • Patronage of the Polish Presidency

      To find out more join the FREE POWER final conference

      21 September 2011, The Square, Rue Mont des Arts, Brussels

      Nearest Station: Brussels Central Railway Station

      Full programme will be posted over the summer


      source: http://www.powerprogramme.eu