Pre-announcement ESPON Calls for Proposals


EA_0039The ESPON 2013 Programme pre-announces the upcoming Calls for Proposals on Applied Research projects, Targeted Analyses, Scientific Platform/Tools projects and Transnational Networking Activities.

The Call will open on 24 August 2011. The deadline for submitting proposals is 20 October 2011.

Public and private bodies from 31 countries (EU 27 Member States, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) are invited to apply for these Calls. This means researchers and research institutions, universities, scientists, experts, academic teams. The Call on Transnational Networking Activities is dedicated to the institutions confirmed as national ESPON Contact Points.


How to Apply

The documentation related to the Calls, including the procedure for applying, the eligibility rules, the evaluation criteria and the submission material, will be made available by 24 August 2011 at the ESPON Website.

Useful Tools

ESPON Info Day on 13 September 2011

The ESPON 2013 Programme invites potential beneficiaries to the Info Day on Calls for Proposals and Partner Café on 13 September 2011 in Brussels. It will be the chance to get information on the new funding opportunities and to meet potential project partners. Deadline for registration is 2 September 2011 at 15h00. Register here.

ESPON Partner Café – Overview and LinkedIn Group

Researchers and experts that are looking for partners to prepare a proposal for are remembered to have a look at the overview of potential partners. The fields of expertise that are indicated in the overview offer a good impression of which institutes might be interested in the same research theme as you and might wish to join you in a Transnational Project Group. Overview

The ESPON Partner Café has its own LinkedIn group where potential partners can launch discussions and find partners to carry out ESPON projects. Visit the ESPON Partner Café LinkedIn Group here.

More information

The pre-announcement of the Call is published in the Official Journal of the European Union (reference:OJ, C 190 of 30/06/2011).

Potential applicants are recommended to take into account the legal framework accessible here.

Should you have questions, contact the ESPON Coordination Unit at
