RegioStars 2012 awards: applications now open

Regio StarsThe objective of the RegioStars awardsis to identify good practices in regional development and to highlight original and innovative projects which could be attractive and inspiring to other regions. The RegioStars 2012 awards for projects supported by EU regional policy is now launched!

Innovative projects supported by EU cohesion policyare invited to apply in four RegioStars Award categories:

  1. Smart growth: Innovative projects or schemes supporting service innovation in its different forms.

  2. Sustainable growth: Investments in ecosystem services and green infrastructure leading to sustainable regional development.

  3. Inclusive growth: Strategies, initiatives or projects addressing the challenge of demographic change and supporting active ageing. (2012 is the "European Year of Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity")

  4. CityStar category: Integrated strategies for the development of deprived urban areas.

To be eligible, the project needs to be finalised or sufficiently advanced so that it can demonstrate progress in the achievement of the original objectives in the region, locality or urban area.

Applications are to be submitted by the national/regional Managing Authority on behalf of the (lead) partner. Links to further guidelines and the application form are available below. The deadline for applications is Friday, 15 July 2011.
The RegioStars 2011 awards will be presented during the Regions for Economic Changeconference on 23 June 2011. Two INTERREG IVC projects - FLIPPER and SEE - are among the 21 finalists.

