Gender for Growth G4G and Winnet 8 Projects

Seminar in Italy

The Italian partner is organizing a local seminar Gender for Growth G4G and Winnet 8 projects - Who says "woman" says "woman": valorise the gender approach for the innovation and local development in Veneto Region in the context of globalization in Mestre on the 24th of June.

This seminar is jointly organised by the Internatinal Relations Department of the Veneto Region, the Province of Venetia in cooperation with the Interreg IVC "Gender4Growth" ( and "Winnet8" ( projects.

The first objective of this seminar consists in strengthening policies and concrete measures for the local women’s active participation in the regional economy through the knowledge of other success practices in Europe and the testimony of Venetian women who share their professional and personal experience.

All this does not apply ’only’ to equal opportunities between men and women, but meets a real need for the valorisation of the feminine to deal with globalization, population dynamics and structural changes in our economy that will be deeply changed by the crisis and will require more innovative interpretations and evidence-based on women’s economic capacity beyond stereotypes and organizational and social cultures fossilized.

The seminar aims to create a laboratory of ideas with local actors and actresses that wants to focus on the local situations with the participation of various economic actors, politicians and social workers dealing with rights and development.

The final program will be available soon but you can find attached to this article a draft programme of this seminar (in Italian).

Click here to register on Veneto Lavoro website.
